
Junction Secondary school was one of the many Junior Secondary schools built between 1969-1970 with funds allocated by the World Bank.
The ten acres of land on which the school was constructed was acquired by the Ministry of Education from the Newell family. The school was opened on September 6, 1971 with eight hundred and thirty seven students and Mrs. Jasmine McCalla as Principal.
A grade 10 and 11 Programme was introduced in 1973 and the school therefore upgraded to secondary school. The name of the school was officially changed to Junction Secondary in 1974. The shift system was introduced the same year to accommodate the growing number of students.
On the May 22, 1985 the school plunged into mourning. The Principal, the Bursar as well as The Principal's sister died in an accident on Belmont Road- Westmoreland. Mr. G.C. Bent immediately assumed the role of the Principal, with Mr. Dyer and E. Mullings as Vice Principals.
In September of 1986 a new principal was appointed, Mrs. T.U. Reynolds, a former Teacher of Munro College. Upon Mrs. Reynolds' resignation in 1989, Mr. Dyer acted as Principal, until 1991 when Mrs. Z. D. Wellington was appointed as Principal.
In 1993 the reclassification of some Secondary Schools took place, among these was Juntion Secondary School. The name of the school was changed to Junction Comprehensive High and Junior High Department.
In 1996 the school experienced another name change. The school was named in honor of the past Member of Parliament the Honorable B.B. Coke. In August of 1996 the official ceremony was held and the school became the B.B. Coke High School.
Over the forty five years of existence the school's population has grown to over one thousand five hundred and seventy eight students, sixty two teachers and twenty eight support staff. The school currently has two Vice Principals, two Guidance Counsellors and one Dean of Discipline.
(2015). B. B. Coke High School Student Handbook. Junction,St. Elizabeth, pg 2.
Home Work Policy

Home Work and other assignments (written, oral or practical) are given in all subject areas. Students are required to hand in the completed work on the due date.
Withdrawal or Transfer of a Student

Parents/ Guardians who wish to withdraw or transfer a student from the school should observe the following:
A. Where possible, give a term's notice in writing before removing a child from school.
B. Return all school property, and settle all fees.
September 4, 2023
New Students Orientation,
Registration and PTA
September 5, 2023
Grade 8 Orientation, Registration and PTA
September 6, 2023
Grade 9 Orientation, Registration and PTA
September 7, 2023
Grade 10 Orientation, Registration and PTA
September 8, 2023
Grade 11 Orientation, Registration and PTA
September 8, 2023
Grade 11 Orientation, Registration and PTA
September 11, 2023
Classes begin for students of Grades 7-11
September 13, 2023
Orientation and Registration for students of Sixth Form Pathway 1 and 2
September 18, 2023
Classes begin for students of Sixth Form Pathway 1 and 2
School Song

April 20, 2023